Rules and Etiquette of Swinging

    A Lifestyle  party is like a normal party where you can go one step further if you wish, and know no one will be offended if you ask to dirty dance,or compliment your partners “assets”. Nine times out of ten, guests have gone through some type of screening, or  orientation so there should be no surprises


     Your first LIFESTYLE experience should not be done on the spur of the moment, and all parties involved should be in agreement on rules, boundaries and such   beforehand and follow them. The best reason to swing is to enhance the relationship between the both of you, NOT to “fix” a relationship. If your relationship is not good, it COULD cause some serious issues.   Talk about what you are looking for, Research it on the internet  take the plunge by coming to a club or go to a MEET & GREET event.  Talk to couples there and see what they say about “the lifestyle”. Some couples join swinger websites to get started. Just remember, be aware, as with anything, there are those that are not what they seem.



 Some Ediquite of Swinging:


    The first and  foremost rule is NO thanks, means, NO thanks!  Saying" NO thank you.." should be respected, whether if it’s on the dance floor, in the barroom, or in a party room, 

In a group room, it’s a little more loose, but say it politely, but firm. Say it one more time if you have too. If they don’t respect your wishes after that, let the host know THAT night  so the host can take action if needed. Follow this simple golden rule and you will have pleasant experience. Everyone has the right to refuse. If someone says, “No.” take it graciously and walk away. No amount of nagging or stalking will get them to change their mind. You do NOT want the reputation of   the one that people warn others about.

   Ladies tend to rule the situation at the parties, so guys . . . make sure your lady and other ladies feel secure and happy.  If a lady feels uncomfortable, chances are, you won’t have a good time, and you probably won’t want to come  back.



Be courteous.   Treat others, like you want to treated. It will help you to make better connections and lasting friendships.

It is best to talk to  couples as couples. Talking will set everyone at ease. Let people know what you are looking for. If you are new to the lifestyle, let them know you just want to watch and enjoy the atmosphere. If you make the effort to talk to people, you will be fine.

Arrive as a couple and leave as a couple. It is rude  and you probably won’t be invited back.


If you have a disagreement that can not be settled within a few minutes,  it is best to call it a night and go home. Making a scene at the party, tends to get you not invited back. 


Touch base with your partner through out the evening. Make sure both of you are comfortable and happy with what is going on around you and between you.


Cleanliness is a must. It’s a social situation so be aware of grooming and such. The host
usually has mouthwash and stuff to freshen up.

Dress to impress.
You are going out on a date, so to speak. Dirty jeans & shirts are a turn off. OR dress the theme of the party if there is one. It’s more festive if you can dress to the theme.



'Do not over drink at a party" It kills the mood for you, your partner, as well as the other guests. You want to remember all the things you are going to see and do. as well you may make choices  you normally would'nt.   If you have to drink to be there, the club is not the place for you..

If there is a problem, tell the host THAT night, for example, opening doors, missing liquor, and not taking,  NO for an answer.   They truly want to know so that they can correct the situation before it becomes a problem. Keeping problems to yourselves  only contributes tension to the situation. Let the host know THAT evening, so they have a chance to talk to the person.

Don’t touch without  permission! If you want to touch someone, kiss them YOU MUST HAVE PERMISSION...... You need to ask the person you want to touch. Not their spouse, their friend, or anyone else. And remember, just because you had permission one time, it does NOT mean you have permission another time.

Take time to talk to all sorts of couples. Even if you don’t hit it off with someone you want to be with, they may be the key to meeting SOMEONE you do click with.



What happens at the parties, or club, stays at the party. What you see and do must remain private. People that were not there, do not need to know. Any information given
out m
remain private.



1. YOU MUST RSVP and be on the list to attend!!!!

2. The location must NEVER  be given out ...please give out the phone number instead. The only people giving  out the location are  the  HOSTS  of the party. It's a safety thing foe EVERYONE'S comfort.


3. “NO THANKS , MEANS NO” . ASK BEFORE YOU TOUCH  Anyone being intrusive can not remain in the party rooms . NO disorderly, rude or obnoxious conduct will be allowed and the couple may not be invited back.


4. Please watch your alcohol intake. Unruly or DRUNKEN BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. You will NOT be ALLOWED  back if this happens; besides, this kills the mood for EVERYONES  enjoyment.


5. Everything we do is legal SO NO ILLEGAL DRUGS or prostitution of any kind are permitted on the premises!! Anyone found using or having drugs will be BANNED PERMANENTLY from the club.


6. ANY DISAGREEMENT AND YOU SHOULD LEAVE, FOR EVERYONE’S SAKE. Arguing takes away from the mood of the party and may cause you to be BANNED. So it is important to have your rules set with your partner before the party.


 7. Couples must arrive between 8:00pm and 10 pm on Saturday night , UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS  HAVE BEEN MADE. After  10:30 pm , the gates/doors will be closed. and you won't be admitted.  First time couples need to arrive by 9:00 pm.


8. Closing time is 2:00am. Anyone leaving after 10 pm cannot return without prior permission from HOSTS OR CO-HOSTS.


9. DO NOT  disturb people behind closed doors . Show them the same courtesy you want.


10. Couples MUST arrive and LEAVE as a couple.


11. Bring your own booze , bring a proper amount to NOT overindulge. DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE’S ALCOHOL!!


12. CELL PHONE USE; No one should ever feel as though you are taking photos or videos of them without permission, PLEASE be respectful of this where ever you are!! NO PHONES ON THIRD FLOOR/PLAYROOMS


13. NO  stealing of any kind is allowed.


14. NO one is obligated to participate in any activities!!!


15. NO food , drinks , or smoking allowed in the bedrooms ! Smoking is allowed in designated areas only.


16. Cleanliness is a must. The bathrooms are stocked with your hygienic needs.


17. NO type of business venture or selling is allowed. That means, NO prostitution allowed.


18. NO glass containers are allowed outside of house, also no glass in dancefloor area OR POOL AREA, no drinks on DANCE FLOOR. Please try to bring aluminum or plastic containers.


19 .No lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk. NO diving in the pool. There is no deep end.


20. The dress code is business casual, or better. Blue jeans are ok on Saturday nights if they are not 

 dirty, or ragged. Dress to impress. You are dressing to impress, but stay within your comfort zone.

If English is not your primary language, it is YOUR responsibility to understand the rules by whatever means you need to.

Language barrier is NOT an excuse of not following the House Rules or the swinging  Etiquette